I can’t Breathe — He can’t breathe!
Became an Anthem to injustice, inhumane and unholy
I can’t Breathe -Hauntingly true and all the same pain from the past.  Â
I can't breathe a voice heard even from another place far away
I can’t breathe - A movement and song - not ever a happy one
I can’t breathe — We can’t breathe!
As Mum cries out and we cry out too
It becomes an Anthem for dispute for War even;
I can’t Breathe and we hear the cry
But we surrender to ego, to ways that spite, without thought and no remorse.
I can’t Breathe she cries and we ignore her cry we put it aside shutting our eyes while we close hers;
She shouts I Can’t breathe to our bigger, faster machines - eating up hills, animals and jungles ensuring they breath no more;
She pleads I can’t breathe as our resolve gets stronger - we want new and demand custom;
She chokes out I can’t breathe we block it out with a swipe and a smile - how rich we look;
She coughs I Can’t breathe as our smoke melts the caps on mountains and chokes her back;
She explodes I can’t breathe - we blame her bury our dead only remembering our dead but never her cry;
She weeps I can’t breathe and lets down her tears - we mop up and ignore the signs of a future deluge;
She says in a sweet kind voice I can't breathe and we help for just a moment before forgeting her pleas, weeping, explosion and her choke as we believe its all just a joke.
Sorry for you Mama I want I want and I need!
I can’t breathe - her voice smaller and weakened, battered and shattered, again and again we let it RIP
I can’t breathe as she shows her scars to closed eyes, turned away faces or just walked away and tell her turn the other cheek;
I can’t breathe and we tune her out and tune in to self, me, myself and I
I can’t breathe as we keep the knee in, push down harder and suppress our own thoughts, forget our history and make it worse not better
I can’t breathe lets lift you up mama be kinder and more gentle as you are to us;
I can’t breathe lets change a thing or two or three or four;
I can’t breathe lets gets you well again before you go away for good and you turn off your light;
I can’t breathe lets celebrate a new dawn as Michael asked through his Voice;
I can’t breathe lets reset and collaborate to make Mama well again;
I can't breathe must be our history not our future.
Lets all breathe so Mum can breath steadier, healthier and stronger.
If you like this poem and it has resonated with you in some small way, we welcome your thoughts and your discussion, NostalgiaNique is not and will never be just another Antiques shop - we aspire to make a difference to our valued customers, apsire to give great service and aspire to make a difference to the future generations that will rely on our Mother Earth for sustanance, for the animals and wildlife she needs to feed. Together we have to take every opportunity to make a difference, we Thank you for reading this, for supporting our #1 year of existence and wish to see you soon.
Kindest Always